
No, I Did Not Smoke My Breakfast

I'm feeling especially alive this morning —no, wait, I know that sounds stupid, please bear with me while I try to explain.

The tea that I'm drinking right now is, wow, perfectly brewed and deliciously hot and feels so good going down the throat.

The song I'm listening to right now is awesome, so awesome that I really want to hit the back button to repeat it, but I'm not going to because I know the next song is going to be at least as awesome, if not more awesome.

I don't really know to what I should be attributing this abnormally thrilled-with-everything mood. Anticipation of my trip to Morocco in less than two weeks? Several nights in a row spent drinking in the company of friends? Sleep deprivation? Hormones?

Certainly not the weather. It's cold (cooooooold, coooooooold) today. I'd rather be curled up in my warm bed right now, but heck, you can't have everything, right?

Besides, I'm sure my good mood will round down to apathy quite soon. Nothing like an interdepartmental meeting to reestablish a blah attitude.

In the meantime, I'll be dancing at my desk. No, really. Benefit of getting here an hour before everyone else.

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