
Apologies Are Due

Sorry for the non-updating there, but I was too busy having fun. The fun, it was overwhelming: the few times we were at the apartment with some downtime, we were drinking. And as everyone knows, you should never drink and blog.

So here I am, back at the office, with 60+ emails and a full voicemail box and only a little bit of nausea to remind me of how fabulous the last two weeks were. Mmm, nausea.

No one else is in yet, and while I missed my friends the most (as usual), part of me wants to sit alone in my quiet little corner and pretend that I'm just waiting to hop in the car to visit the crazy ex-pats in Fes. Le sigh.

Still, I'm not so nostalgic that I'm lifting the Moroccan restaurant ban any earlier than I had declared. There is, in fact, such a thing as too much kefta, and I have looked it in the eye.

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