
The Glorious 100

Here's the thing: my most recent lack of posting stems from this being my hundredth post. "Self," I said, "this is your hundredth post. It should be awesome. It should put all past posts to shame. It should make the internet tremble in awe. Etc. Etc."

Obviously I couldn't work with that kind of pressure.

So now I'm throwing together all my random thoughts from the last, oh, five days or so, in a post that is sadly representative of the usual drivel you find here. Winning!

1. Dumbledore's gay! I *heart* Dumbledore; he was always my favorite character. (His death is part of the reason I didn't finish book six: I was quite depressed enough, thank you.) Oh, and a bonus tragic love story. Jesus, JKR, kick a man when he's dead why don't you.

2. Whiskey and I are in an abusive relationship: I love it like burning, but it treats me so badly. [Fill in "I wish I could quit you" joke of your choice here.]

3. Okay, so you know the end of Transformers? (Note: the spoilers that follow are only spoilers for the truly retarded.) When boy gets girl and boy and girl make out? They're making out on his car, which you may recall is a robot. Interspecies orgy: am I right or am I right? God it was creepy.

4. Hey, you want to see a picture of me pretending to be American Gothic at the Miro museum in Barcelona? Sure you do.

My nerdiness knows no bounds, national or otherwise.

5. CIRQUE. We should totally do this. Motivation!

6. Am I done now? Is this good enough for #100? Because I'm beginning to bore myself.

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