
Dispatch: from Casablanca, Day One

Jealousy is not an emotion I feel often; I think the last time I had an overwhelming wave of jealousy was... I actually don't remember. That's a product of my life being totally and completely awesome, I guess.

But I'm totally jealous.

Someone please step in and remind me that a career in the foreign service is probably not what I want to do with my life. Remind me of the stupid rules and excessive regulations and that I'd have to study a lot for that big, scary exam. Do NOT remind me of all the awesome adventures I could have, or all the really smart, cool, interesting people I would work with.

Because right now? If I were offered a position? I'd take it in a heartbeat. This is the coolest thing ever. So. Totally. Jealous.

Besides lamenting my horrifically boring life, I spent today wandering around solo. Mo had a diplomatic lunch (boooooring), so she gave me a quick orientation of her neighborhood and the house keys.

Casablanca is fun! I mostly poked around stores and an open air market (clothes shopping: moderately interesting; open air market shopping: guaranteed interesting) and settled into a lovely lunch at a street cafe. Thank god I know French, even as poor as my skills are: I wouldn't have a chance in hell of managing all of this otherwise.

Tonight: dinner and jazz with Mo's friends, which should be fun. Given that the people I have met thus far are unreservedly awesome, I am psyched to meet more of this crowd.

A Side Note: I notice that while I have somehow people able to move heaven and earth to update this blog in two different countries over the last two days, someone who will go unnamed has not found the time for a single line, a lone anecdote, or even a bad zombie joke. *ahem* LAME.

1 comment:

Cirque said...

P&G: someone...has not found the time for a single line, a lone anecdote...

Untrue. I commented on your last post. So I've updated your blog, just not mine.

That said, I'm going to dredge up a very LAME excuse and say I have been working and schooling my butt off. Really, I'm assless. It's kinda cool, you would know if you were here.