
Bad Idea/Worse Idea

Bad idea: letting the precocious children of NPR commentators host a show for a day.

Worse idea: turning the show into a series of feature interviews with famous psychopaths and serial killers.

Even more disturbing: that is the dream I had last night.

It played out pretty much as you'd expect.

The children hosts were precocious and unsurprisingly sophisticated for their ages. The stories of the psychopaths/serial killers were simultaneously heartwarming and haunting, decidedly reminiscent of segments from This American Life.

An Open Letter To My Brain,

What? That is seriously fucked up. Can't we just have sexy dreams about inappropriate individuals (or groups)? That would much preferable. Please make a note of this for the future.


N.B.— At least John Wayne Gacy didn't show up in a clown costume. On the one hand, thank god. On the other hand, my brain isn't nearly as witty as I like to think. I'm almost disappointed.

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