
A Refutation

In regards to this post: it was brought to my attention by someone with a filthy mind that the post could be interpreted as meaning that I, myself have a foot fetish. That is not only false, but also a poorly reasoned conclusion. Allow me to use logic!

1. I'm talking about my own feet, not someone else's feet. Other people's feet hold no interest for me.

2. Feet do not turn me on; rather, it is the hedonism of acts associated with foot fetishism that appeal.

I win! Oh, hey, while we're at it, let's list some foot fetish fun facts:
  • it is the most common fetish in men
  • neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran proposed that foot fetishism is caused by the feet and the genitals occupying adjacent areas of the somatosensory cortex
  • researchers have hypothesized that foot fetishism increases during epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases
Wasn't that fun? I'm particularly enamored of the last fun fact. Human beings are weird!

And that is the last time I'm going to write about foot fetishes this week. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If reason is what you want, then here is some to ponder while falling asleep tonight. According to your logic you do not have a foot fetish because you were referring to your own feet; however I don't believe foot fetishism necessarily excludes one's own feet. You could certainly have a foot fetish about your own feet, as your multiple posts about them seem to suggest.

On another note, I hope the play was good, that you could follow the thread of the plot and were left with no loose ends... as it were.

Good night and good feet!