
It Has Been Far Too Long Since I Last Horrified You With My Political Leanings

I found myself nodding a lot as I read this post. (Um, why I was on the blog in the first place is a long story. Although I like this woman! She seems cool.)

So in doing the research (and I swear I was totally objective and journalistic) here's what I found on each of the Republican candidates' websites regarding women and families and children:


Not a thing.

Unless you count fetuses which are apparently a very big deal.

There's no Supporting Parents and Caring for Children category laid out with like 8 zillion super specific proposals as there is on Clinton's site. There's no comprehensive Working Families category as on Edwards' site. Heck, Obama has a simple, all-encompassing category entitled Families. You'd think Romney, McCain, Guiliani, Huckabee, or Paul could manage that.

Good point, not that I'm surprised. I also think this is very well articulated:

After really tearing into all of their websites, Senator Clinton absolutely blew me away with the comprehensiveness of her proposals, the detail of her plans, and her thorough understanding of the issues and how they play out within the political machine, and exactly how each plan could be paid for. Blew me away. Just read her agenda for working families if nothing else.

When she says she's ready to hit the ground running, she's not kidding.

That is something I feel very strongly about, actually, and a point I think is being overlooked by the general public.

Go read the whole post: it's worth it. Most people reading this don't have families yet, but we all will someday. Heck, maybe while the winner of this election is still president, if he/she is a two-termer.* It should be important anyway, but it's going to be very personally important sometime soon.

* I think that is the first time I've resorted to the 'he/she' style while talking about the presidential race. SO GREAT. I love it.

1 comment:

Mom101 said...

Hey, thanks so much for the very kind shout out - you seem cool yourself. And I'm especially happy to find that this was not a Procter and Gamble blog at all as I might have expected.