
Politics Ahoy: Dangers Shoals Ahead

I've been wondering when an article about this would crop up.

“I hear these anti-Hillary attacks by men, especially right-wing men, and I feel like it’s just as much an attack on me,” said Cheryl Lynn Brierton, an in-house lawyer for the California courts. “It’s an effect of intelligence that you come across as intense, that you have strong views. I’ve always felt that the way she is singled out and attacked is very indicative of how society reacts to smart women.”

Ready for my controversal statement of the weekend? I kind of like Clinton. I will admit that the Wellesley connection prejudices me in favor of her: would I like the first female president to be an alum of my alma mater? Heck yes.

But I also think she's damn smart and extremely cunning. She's centrist enough to appease my mixed-bag political leanings, and as I see her as a strong advocate of women's rights. Of all the candidates, both parties included, I think she has the best shot at getting a reasonable health care package passed. She is, after all, the candidate with the most experience in that arena, and she she sure as hell has the clout to push something like that through Congress. Other issues aside, I just don't think any other candidate can do it. Edwards? Something bigger than cancer has to happen to get this southern pretty-boy some real numbers.

So there you go: I'm a casual, fairly lazy Clinton supporter who actually thinks she could pull it off. Rare breed! Not often seen in the wild! Oooh!

And in conclusion, I'm fairly sure I've alienated at least 50% of my readers, if not both of you. Awkward! I probably won't do much politics-jabbering in this blog, though, so you're mostly safe from any further irritations. Ta!

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