
An Introvert's Ideal

Tonight, for the first time in weeks and weeks, I did the following:

  1. Drank a bottle of wine by myself. (Gewurztraminer)
  2. Re-read one of my old favorites. (Patrick O'Brien's Master and Commander)
  3. Listened to my latest musical obsessions on repeat. (The Decemberists)
It was kind of the best night ever.

As much as I dearly love having drinks with old friends, dining with former classmates, and sleeping over at coworker's apartments, it's been some time since I indulged my pathological need to be alone for an extended period. I've not seen anyone since roughly 4:30 p.m. Friday, and am so happy for the relief. For an introvert I do rely heavily on my social network, but every couple months or so it is wonderfully therapeutic to indulge my hermit-like impulses.

Alone! Alone until Monday at roughly 9: 30 a.m! Hurrah!

In related news, I have used this time to make decisions about the following:
  1. my career
  2. my romantic impulses
They've been fairly revelatory: I'm rather proud of myself. And now I shall sleep the night through and see if any of my decisions bear the light of day/sobriety.

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