
Awkward Silence

I have no words for the bizarre dreams I had last night. Seriously, they were just... I really, really am beginning to be disturbed. Let's go with a list:

  1. Road trip with the members of N*Sync. What? Wait, what?
  2. One-night stand with that guy who was married to Jessica Simpson. Turns out he's a foot fetishist and a bad kisser and lives with two other inquisitive roommates.
  3. Horrible farm equipment accident that involved penis amputation. There was a lot of blood. Oh my god.
  4. An endless supply of dirty laundry. (Which one of these is not like the other one?)
So, yeah, I slept poorly.

In other news, I'm stuck at home ALL DAY so I can supervise the furnace/AC replacement. The goal: actually work on the old novel somewhere along the way.

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